Ghosts are everywhere. My Take on “The False Bride”. Outlander S04E03.

There is no shortage of drama this season is there?  The cool thing about having a blog in this fandom is I get to decide what I talk about. I have decided to challenge myself to NOT write about the obvious this season.

I want to look past the topic du jour and move to the things that made me go hmmm and maybe they will make you go hey…meh…or OH! Either way, I will have said it and hopefully, feel good about it when I am done.  That’s the point of my watching Outlander in the first place. It makes me feel good. I like it. My Mom used to say “If it doesn’t feel good…don’t do it.” I live by that.

So…ghosts. I’m not talking about Casper, the bent neck lady or the very obvious Native gentleman caller from the episode we are talking about.  I am referring to the ghosts in our life that either guide our decisions or keep us from moving forward out of fear of facing them.  They were ever present in The False Bride, whether we noticed them or not.

Right at the very start, Roger sitting in the old empty manse and Fiona coming through the doors to take up residence reminded us of Reverend Wakefield and Mrs. Graham. Both now, just memories, shadows in the halls but very much a part of who Fiona and Roger are today.  As we see later with Roger when he has his meltdown with Brianna.  He was raised by a Reverand. It makes more than a little sense that ghost still sits in his mind and when that is the case, it affects his heart as well. Those are the ghosts that often speak the loudest.

Claire sees her fair share of ghosts in this episode. Both literally and figuratively. To start, there is no doubt she is thinking of the ghost of her friend, Joe Abernathy. Black, free, a doctor…her dear friend. Someone she may have been judged for being friends with but still “allowed” to be friends with.  She watches as the slaves walk by and you can see it pains her because she has seen the other side of this story.  She knows the truth of the people she sees being treated ‘less than’. The pure inhumanity of it bubbles to the surface.


Going from this kind of friendship…to where she is – is not something any of us should reconcile.

As they ride away from River Run, they leave the ghost of Rufus behind them. Their troubled time there.  They also leave the people they couldn’t help.  This is something that I am sure will continue to haunt Claire.

Claire confronts Franks ghost as well.  He will be ever present when she speaks of Brianna.  He was the only father her daughter had. He raised her and owns that space in her world.  As she speaks of Bree to Jamie, you can see both of them feel Franks ghost pass through the moment. Claire as a reserved embrace, and Jamie with a grateful chill.

Then, we have Claire’s literal ghost.  Good ole Claire takes off after Clarence the mule in a storm and ends up lost, alone and in the dark.

It’s ok though, she has company.  She finds a little head, ok, it’s a skull. One that has been cracked down the middle and removed from the rest of its body.  This particularly unlucky fellow decides to pay Claire a visit, in a jarring and pretty cool way.  He makes his way toward her during lightning strikes. Then what does he do? Dude steals her shoes.  He makes up for it by wearing them and leads her to Jamie and Jamie to her. Awwwwwwwwww.

This particular ghost is filled with more questions because his mouth is filled with silver fillings. Which clearly means he is a time traveller too.

Young Ian had a different group of ghosts he faced in this episode. The pirates not once, but twice. Geillis. The hurricane. That was a lot of trauma for a young kid.  He grew up PDQ (pretty damn quick). Those experiences formed who he’s now become, a young man who knows his mind.  Thankfully, the ghost of the child he was, will always be there for us. His smile and pure cheekiness each episode gives me hope anyway.

Jamie had his own ghosts, didn’t he?  When speaking to his aunt Jocasta, the ghost of the laird he would have been in Scotland lingered there. He knew what she didn’t though. River Run could never be that for him, some things cannot be recreated.

The ghost of Jamie’s mother was real and alive when his aunt gifted him Ellen’s silver candlesticks. Something tangible, he could touch and take with him to his new place, where ever that may be.

While visiting the ghosts of Scotland in his memories, he was able to see his future.  Looking out over the vista, Jamie fell in love with the land he saw before him because of the echoes of his past. The strawberries and the mountains all familiar to him yet, this new world made him feel hope.

I want to finish up with Brianna.  The Scottish festival was the first shiver of her ghosts coming to the forefront. Bree seemed to want to deny she was thinking about her mother but Roger knew it had to be there, raw and real.  The memory of her and the ramifications of her travelling through time to find Jamie. Those ghosts came to visit the festival that day, who could blame them? The music was bangin’.Screenshot (531)Bree is a young woman that knows what she doesn’t want.  That is very much because of her ghosts. One ghost is the father she grew up with. She now knows he lived in a marriage of convenience with her mother. Another is the ghost of a father that she never knew, he was the recipient of her mother’s love and devotion. Given the choice she was faced with in the episode tonight, those ghosts would have sat upon each shoulder like the good choice and bad choice. Each in her ear.

We all have our ghosts.  Whether we see them, hear them or feel them. They are there, influencing us and the choices we make. We should really trust our own voice rather than rely on the ghosts, but you know…to each their own.

Sometimes, those ghosts…they just make us run up the basement stairs really quick or check behind the shower curtain before peeing.  Either way…do you.

Remember to live tweet with us. Canadians watch along with W Network and use the hashtag #OutlanderCAN. We look forward to having you play along! If you love to win stuff and love to fan please follow our friends at FANCITY. They have a great worldwide Outlander giveaway coming up soon!


Founder of the ABOotlanders

Not everyone likes Creme de Menthe – looking at Episode 7

I decided this year was not my recap year and good thing too because Creme de Menthe is so full of in your face action, underlying future story arcs and layers of relationship stuff that to recap it would be exhausting. I just dont have the energy.

This week I am going to look at the things that make me go hmmmm.

As I have said before, we all view the show with our own inner eye, which makes how we digest it & for lack of a better word – expel it.   I enjoy the discussions but the debates, I could let hang.  Perhaps I feel there are so many big things in the ugly world to be upset about…a TV show gets a pass from me . Cuz…yeah…

This is just a mish mash of my thoughts so don’t take it personal like. These views, are just my own.

Oaths  Claires Hippopotamus…no…that isn’t right… Hippocratic oath – there we go.  We know that is what is binding her to helping the guy that just tried to kill her. We can say its crazy, but it is a part of why we love Claire.  She sticks to her guns.  Let’s face it, she is likely not fully integrated back into the 18th century mindset.  There probably were zero times she was faced with this quandry in the 20th century. I’m thinking it might take a few months to adjust to things being…totally friggen different.

Liar Liar pants on fire!   Jamie is literally living a lie.  A. Malcolm  respectable printer.  Ahhhhhh…nope. He manipulates relationships in order to provide for his family.  Some would say honourable. I say a lil shady.  He is SO shady *laugh*. (Keep in mind…so was Batman)  I truly enjoy the many faces of JAMMF.  Seeing him wax poetic one moment and then send his nephew & fosterson out to do his dirty work the next…see…shaaaaa-ady!  To me, this plays well into the Jamie lying to Ian, asking Claire to do the same.  Many think…hey thats out of charachter. Only because we love Jamie, we think he infallable when in fact…dude takes a helluva lotta liberties with that lil thing called the truth.  Which makes him *drumroll* …..human!,c_limit/ww-different.gif

Balance.  What is balance about?  Its about going to one end of the spectrum…flying to the other end of the spectrum…and eventually landing in the middle.  Which is always precarious if we don’t pay attention.

 I have to remind myself that the relationship with Jamie and Claire…is new.  They have a deep passionate history…but their present…brand spanking new.  We can’t fall back into an everyday relationship groove as fast as we can fall into bed.  Physical connection is one thing, private,alone… finding that balance while living an everyday life amoungst all the people, will likely take more than a day.

My husband used to be in the military and go away for many months of the year.  It took days, sometimes weeks to get used to having to consider his opinions and ideas on the way the house was run.  Imagine living 20 yrs doing it your way?  It would not be an easy slide into  thinking…Oh I have this person to consider and they may not agree but it is all I know.  That just doesnt fit together for me so much.   I want to see the warmth & common thinking between everyday Jamie & Claire and I know I will.  Its there…rumbling under the surface and with time – it will pop up. (Don’t be dirty)

Like Uncle Like Nephew. Its not the usual “father n son” thing but I think they captured a great relationship with these two.  Jamie sees himself in Young Ian…and Young Ian wants to be like his Uncle Jamie. I think this created a huge blind spot for Jamie.  He has not been able to raise any of his biological children – this boy, is family, has attached himself to Jamie & frankly, thats a pretty nice feeling.  I think this is a case of “being right…rather than doing the right things” for Jamie.

Meet the Campbells  This is one of those book changes that makes me wonder…Oooooooo where are they going with this?  A travelling seer and her skeezy agent as opposed to the creepy ass Reverend and his broken sister.  There are many twists and turns these two take with hitting the West Indies in the book, I imagine their path is a little more direct through the show.

We can understand that some plots & character expectations might take a turn due to time…”If we do THIS…we will have to do X-Y-Z next season and we only have 13 episodes. Something has to go – if we change X to match Y…we can take this turn instead and shorten up all of it.”

To be a fly on the wall of the writers room. Book readers, show lovers  & knowing they have to find a happy medium.  That’s HARD.  Thinking about how things play on a page compared to visually is a huge undertaking and one, I am happy to leave to the Outlander Writers.  I’m not getting paid to have that viseral of a reaction. I would never be able to do what they do. Though I would LOVE to watch it happen at least once in my life.  Hey, guys who will never read this… maybe an extra on the DVD  “A Day in the Writers Room”  *hint hint nudge nudge*

Young grasshopper.  Fergus has been in Young Ians life since he was a teenager. Young Ian is now old enough to learn a thing or two. About women, cuz Fergus – who I love to refer to as a drama llama (2 women at 15?  That boy must have saved up his allowance for years to afford THAT), about Aunty Claire.  The sweetness in which Fergus remembers her being a super human healer lady is so touching and Young Ian grabs on for the ride.  This is definitely a brotherly relationship. One, wants to teach the other the ways of the world, all while seeing the kid has some serious game.  Business & pleasure makes this team one worth rooting for.

Into the FIRE!  Jamie’s carefully crafted life… goes up in smoke and DAMN…that was pretty intense.  This existance is crumbling in front of all of them.  My heart sank just a little extra for John Gary Steele.  That gorgeous set…gone.  Granted, he does this for a living…create- build- bye bye. Repeat.

Karma is a bitch.   The universe works in mysterious ways folks.  Working for a smarmy weasel – rifling through things that don’t belong to you – being all rapey….OOOPS! Cracked your big ugly skull open and have it drilled into…and ya die.  There is a lesson in there.

Jamie lied right to Ians face about where his son was and what he was doing… OOOOPS…the kid got into a fight in the place Jamie uses as a cover, the dude finds evidence of Jamies shady dealing…and starts a fire.  In which Jamie must sexily bound through batman style in order to save him.  All of this together..forces them to turn around and head back to Lallybroch.

Archibald Campbell is using his mentally ill sister for profit.  The universe hasnt told us the plan for this one…but I have a feeling…it doesn’t taste like chicken.

Jamie not only lied…but he kept some secrets.  Which you know…is his jam in life for the last 20 yrs…wait….even before then. Always running, always telling stories, always being someone he wasn’t and when he was…not for realsies.  This secret may just bite him in the ass. “Other wife”… Jamie seems to be playing it off as no big thang…but when you call in the troops AKA Ned Gowan…there is going to be a lil more fire to come.

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Is there more I can say? Yeah…but my fingers are tired and my head hurts. So it looks like YOUR lucky day.

Till next time folks! You do realize…we are HALF WAY TO THE END OF THE SEASON RIGHT???


ABOotlander Founder 




Not everyone likes Creme de Menthe – looking at Episode 7

I decided this year was not my recap year and good thing too because Creme de Menthe is so full of in your face action, underlying future story arcs and layers of relationship stuff that to recap it would be exhausting. I just dont have the energy.

This week I am going to look at the things that make me go hmmmm.

As I have said before, we all view the show with our own inner eye, which makes how we digest it & for lack of a better word – expel it.   I enjoy the discussions but the debates, I could let hang.  Perhaps I feel there are so many big things in the ugly world to be upset about…a TV show gets a pass from me . Cuz…yeah…

This is just a mish mash of my thoughts so don’t take it personal like. These views, are just my own.

Oaths  Claires Hippopotamus…no…that isn’t right… Hippocratic oath – there we go.  We know that is what is binding her to helping the guy that just tried to kill her. We can say its crazy, but it is a part of why we love Claire.  She sticks to her guns.  Let’s face it, she is likely not fully integrated back into the 18th century mindset.  There probably were zero times she was faced with this quandry in the 20th century. I’m thinking it might take a few months to adjust to things being…totally friggen different.

Liar Liar pants on fire!   Jamie is literally living a lie.  A. Malcolm  respectable printer.  Ahhhhhh…nope. He manipulates relationships in order to provide for his family.  Some would say honourable. I say a lil shady.  He is SO shady *laugh*. (Keep in mind…so was Batman)  I truly enjoy the many faces of JAMMF.  Seeing him wax poetic one moment and then send his nephew & fosterson out to do his dirty work the next…see…shaaaaa-ady!  To me, this plays well into the Jamie lying to Ian, asking Claire to do the same.  Many think…hey thats out of charachter. Only because we love Jamie, we think he infallable when in fact…dude takes a helluva lotta liberties with that lil thing called the truth.  Which makes him *drumroll* …..human!,c_limit/ww-different.gif

Balance.  What is balance about?  Its about going to one end of the spectrum…flying to the other end of the spectrum…and eventually landing in the middle.  Which is always precarious if we don’t pay attention.

 I have to remind myself that the relationship with Jamie and Claire…is new.  They have a deep passionate history…but their present…brand spanking new.  We can’t fall back into an everyday relationship groove as fast as we can fall into bed.  Physical connection is one thing, private,alone… finding that balance while living an everyday life amoungst all the people, will likely take more than a day.

My husband used to be in the military and go away for many months of the year.  It took days, sometimes weeks to get used to having to consider his opinions and ideas on the way the house was run.  Imagine living 20 yrs doing it your way?  It would not be an easy slide into  thinking…Oh I have this person to consider and they may not agree but it is all I know.  That just doesnt fit together for me so much.   I want to see the warmth & common thinking between everyday Jamie & Claire and I know I will.  Its there…rumbling under the surface and with time – it will pop up. (Don’t be dirty)

Like Uncle Like Nephew. Its not the usual “father n son” thing but I think they captured a great relationship with these two.  Jamie sees himself in Young Ian…and Young Ian wants to be like his Uncle Jamie. I think this created a huge blind spot for Jamie.  He has not been able to raise any of his biological children – this boy, is family, has attached himself to Jamie & frankly, thats a pretty nice feeling.  I think this is a case of “being right…rather than doing the right things” for Jamie.

Meet the Campbells  This is one of those book changes that makes me wonder…Oooooooo where are they going with this?  A travelling seer and her skeezy agent as opposed to the creepy ass Reverend and his broken sister.  There are many twists and turns these two take with hitting the West Indies in the book, I imagine their path is a little more direct through the show.

We can understand that some plots & character expectations might take a turn due to time…”If we do THIS…we will have to do X-Y-Z next season and we only have 13 episodes. Something has to go – if we change X to match Y…we can take this turn instead and shorten up all of it.”

To be a fly on the wall of the writers room. Book readers, show lovers  & knowing they have to find a happy medium.  That’s HARD.  Thinking about how things play on a page compared to visually is a huge undertaking and one, I am happy to leave to the Outlander Writers.  I’m not getting paid to have that viseral of a reaction. I would never be able to do what they do. Though I would LOVE to watch it happen at least once in my life.  Hey, guys who will never read this… maybe an extra on the DVD  “A Day in the Writers Room”  *hint hint nudge nudge*

Young grasshopper.  Fergus has been in Young Ians life since he was a teenager. Young Ian is now old enough to learn a thing or two. About women, cuz Fergus – who I love to refer to as a drama llama (2 women at 15?  That boy must have saved up his allowance for years to afford THAT), about Aunty Claire.  The sweetness in which Fergus remembers her being a super human healer lady is so touching and Young Ian grabs on for the ride.  This is definitely a brotherly relationship. One, wants to teach the other the ways of the world, all while seeing the kid has some serious game.  Business & pleasure makes this team one worth rooting for.

Into the FIRE!  Jamie’s carefully crafted life… goes up in smoke and DAMN…that was pretty intense.  This existance is crumbling in front of all of them.  My heart sank just a little extra for John Gary Steele.  That gorgeous set…gone.  Granted, he does this for a living…create- build- bye bye. Repeat.

Karma is a bitch.   The universe works in mysterious ways folks.  Working for a smarmy weasel – rifling through things that don’t belong to you – being all rapey….OOOPS! Cracked your big ugly skull open and have it drilled into…and ya die.  There is a lesson in there.

Jamie lied right to Ians face about where his son was and what he was doing… OOOOPS…the kid got into a fight in the place Jamie uses as a cover, the dude finds evidence of Jamies shady dealing…and starts a fire.  In which Jamie must sexily bound through batman style in order to save him.  All of this together..forces them to turn around and head back to Lallybroch.

Archibald Campbell is using his mentally ill sister for profit.  The universe hasnt told us the plan for this one…but I have a feeling…it doesn’t taste like chicken.

Jamie not only lied…but he kept some secrets.  Which you know…is his jam in life for the last 20 yrs…wait….even before then. Always running, always telling stories, always being someone he wasn’t and when he was…not for realsies.  This secret may just bite him in the ass. “Other wife”… Jamie seems to be playing it off as no big thang…but when you call in the troops AKA Ned Gowan…there is going to be a lil more fire to come.

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Is there more I can say? Yeah…but my fingers are tired and my head hurts. So it looks like YOUR lucky day.

Till next time folks! You do realize…we are HALF WAY TO THE END OF THE SEASON RIGHT???


ABOotlander Founder 




Plan B. Freedom & Whisky in the memes.

I had a delightful blog outlined and ready to roll when my face fell off.  Ok… not the whole thing but half of it.   I have the lovely facial paralysis called Bells Palsy.  The week leading up to the final bell ringer was poop…serious poop…so I’m taking the easy way out.

I decided to simply go back into my Live Tweet Feed and give you time in my brain.  No worries, its short, silly and all round ridiculous.  You aren’t supposed to think or feel.  Just mind numbingly come along on the silly ride train I have loaded up.


Our opening scene is Claire being her badass self. As per. 


This group could not look anymore bored if they tried.  Which I enjoy cuz…me+school = THAT


That moment of a lecture you know you still dont give one shit…or two.


They had ALMOST as much garland in that house as mine did when I was a kid.  It was like a sparkly tinfoil monster had its way with everything!




Some of the best advice uttered.  Make your own fate people. #JoeFresh #theMan


Drink together, share secrets, rinse, repeat. 


Gotta love it when your friends see the drape fall. 


Claire knows a lot of the things…drinking…definitely top 5.


Its always better with friends. 


It’s all the same. Girls with spirit. 


It really is a skill she has. 


Dem bonz…dem bonz 


Our Roger is just too perfect for words.  Beardiful is a good one though. 


So many choices….good thing we have YEARS to play them out. 


Ok, maybe Candy’s practical joke game was off.  Oh…Sandy…aheam


Its such a shame when people can own their own shit. 


Let’s be fair…every forecast…every day.


Of course she can sew….don’t be silly


The 80s floating head picture…thats what I saw…touching still. 


BOOM! There she is.  Loved this transition SO SO SO much


If you did not turn into a big pile of goo…you are dead inside.


All the feels…allofthemall


That’s ok Claire.  You are a doctor…you can put him together again.

Thanks for playing folks.

Take care of you and BE KIND!  Join us on twitter #OutlanderCAN – watching each week on W Network.


AKA ABOtlanders Founder

Doctor Joe is now taking patients. ABOotlander Sher, chats with Wil Johnson.

Outlander fans have welcomed Wil Johnson into the family as he stepped into the role of loyal friend and confidant, Dr. Joe Abernathy.


In the books, I loved Joe’s smooth and confident character. He was an equal to Claire that is rarely portrayed in the era they met.  In my mind, he was a butter voiced Sydney Poitier.  Without sounding too sucky-uppy – Wil Johnson fit the mold perfectly.   I anticipated seeing him on-screen more than other supporting characters because of my perception of him as Claire’s partner in crime in the 20th century.   We all need our “person”.  The one we can lean on, hold up, share the tough stuff with and Joe, was Claire’s person.

When I started following Wil Johnson on twitter I noticed his genuine humour and positive outlook about being enveloped into the Outlander Universe.  I am sure it can be daunting to all of a sudden be “loved” by so many random strangers – however, he handled it with grace.  Sharing his kindness with no strings attached.

I wanted to know more about this man who earned the role as Dr. Joe so I asked if he would do a Q&A…he graciously agreed.  We tweeted ridiculously funny GIFs at each other – this is a contract in the world of social media.

Sit back and enjoy “THE” Wil Johnson brought to you by “THE” ABOotlanders

You don’t even have to look closely to see that Wil is not a one trick pony.  I am not sure how this man finds the time but his list of awesome is a long one.

See…there’s lots there

He sings, dances, acts and DJs – I mean I am tired thinking about it all.  When you present it all together for him, Wil sounds surprised he does so much.

WIL: WOW! That is a lot! lol…To be honest, I get enjoyment from all of them in equal measure. They all require a different skill set and each area has to be mastered with time, consistently and discipline. When you get it right, that feeling of satisfaction is unfathomable. But if I was to pick one that slightly edges the others out…it would have to be DJing! I say DJing because it’s the only discipline in which it’s all about you..two decks and a mixer. What you do directly in terms of manipulating the music, how you mix the tracks, directly affects how people will respond immediately. INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!! LOOOOL!!!

Want to hear some of 1LWil’s mixes?  CLICK HERE FOR THE SICK BEATS I’m trying to be cool obviously, Wil on the other hand just is. Where Dr. Joe is calm and cool, Wil…just cool.

WIL: Right now I’m putting together a playlist for a new Mix I’ll be bringing out on MIXCLOUD which will be Deep House & Soulful House combined…Two of my favourite genres of music!

We all have that favourite band – Wil’s is Earth, Wind & Fire – you know,  in case you didn’t think he was cool already.

As if all of the previously mentioned talents weren’t good enough for you, the man cooks as well.  His favourite meal to put on the table?

WIL: As the Son of Jamaican parents, my favourite signature dish is ‘Stew Chicken with Rice & Peas!!!’

We can’t give away his recipe but if you thought to yourself…damn…that sounds good.  HERE you go. Gotta love the YouTube.

I think it is a prerequisite for any friend of Claire to be good behind the bar.  Dr. Joe makes a mean martini Wil on the other hand…

WIL:I serve a mean Rum & Coke on the rocks!!!! LOOOOOL!!!!

…because Wil made me a drink…

Wil is a dad. That might not seem too unusual – however, he is the dad of 7…count ’em…7 children.  I see a recurring theme in Wil’s life. If you are going to do something – you might as well knock it outta the park!

Just. Like. That.

WIL: The most important aspect of being a Father for me is ‘being there’ for your children and encouraging them in all their endeavours. Always telling them you love them and as much as you can, do things with them. Children must feel that you are their ‘ROCK’ that safe place of peace, truth and balance…

We either parent how we were parented or go rogue.  Considering what he is most proud of overcoming, I will say, Wil’s mom was his role model.

WIL:Living without my Mother who died 26 years ago. We were extremely close and she was my biggest fan and supporter of my work.

A mothers love.

Wil is quite popular in the UK, having worked on many TV shows. Waking the Dead, Babyfather and Emmerdale–  to name a few. Joe Abernathy is Wil’s first american role. I was curious just how long he had to wait before hearing that he earned his role.

WIL:It was around a month before I heard I’d been booked to play Joe Abernathy….A LOOOOONG MONTH!!! LOOOOL!!!!

I wasn’t surprised to learn  Wil hadn’t read the Outlander books.  I mean, come on, you saw a glimpse in the day of Wil Johnsons life…I would say there wasn’t time to read the tomes.  “I work off the script and what eventually ends up there.”  This shows us how dedicated the writers are to keeping the soul of the book alive in the characters being portrayed on-screen.  Oh, and how well the casting department has done their homework.

We know Joe Abernathy wasn’t the most popular guy in medical school – like Claire, he was pushing through preconceived notions and boundaries that had been placed in his way.  The era itself was well represented, even if it was uncomfortable for us to watch.   Wil lets us know how important it is to break down those boundaries.

It might not be that easy…but it IS that impactful

WIL: It was an honour. When one has the opportunity to play such a role as Joe Abernathy, you feel like an Ambassador…meaning, this role portrays positive aspects of our human nature and can be looked upon as a beacon or symbol of what is good, fair and decent in human beings. Joe for me ticks all those boxes and I felt a duty to live up to that.

And so you did

Wil is a very dedicated actor, you can tell, his favourite book being Year of the King by Antony Sher. It is a glimpse into the world of an actor honing his craft.

Outlander is a huge production. Fans are constantly in awe of the what is put in front of them on-screen.  I have always wondered how the actors respond to this “world”.

WIL: The attention to detail in every aspect of production. When I was on set, I felt I WAS in the world of Outlander… for real…..

Joe Abernathy isn’t seen regularly in the books, however he is one of the characters that has a regular presence. Popping up throughout the books as a touch stone for Claire’s life in Boston.  I was curious if we will be seeing Joe again, once Claire heads back into the past.

WIL: I don’t know what the future holds in store for Joe. If they continue with this character in some shape or form I would be very happy about that.

Joe is one of the very few people who knows Claire well. What do you think Joe thinks of this woman he befriended?

WIL: Joe truly admires Claire and is in awe of her strength. Joe draws inspiration from Claire in that respect.

I envision Caitriona Balfe having some of Claire’s traits.  I have a hard time imagining actors can play roles with such conviction and believability unless they have some sort of relationship with the character they are portraying. I asked Wil what he saw in both of these incredible women? (one real, one fictional)

WIL: Drive..Passion..Tenacity…

Who me???

Speaking of relating to the character,  what does Wil say he and Joe might have in common?

WIL: Joe Abernathy and Wil Johnson are TRAIL BLAZERS!!! We both strive to change perception by our actions….


We all have shows we love, our readers wouldn’t be here if they didn’t.  I am always curious as to what others are watching. I love shows from the UK and feel us Canadians miss out on some great ones because of that silly Atlantic thing.

WIL: G.O.T!!!! GAME OF THRONES!!!!!!!!! THAT IS MY SHOW!!!! Not sure what you might have missed out on….hmmmmm…Emmerdale???????

The following video was made during Wils 2 year stint as Dom Andrews on long running British soap opera,  Emmerdale. (This may or may not be the video I watched to see if he had the “Joe” voice I imagined. It was and he did)

Us ABOotlanders always love to know of Canadian connections. So, I asked.

WIL:Canada is on the list of places to visit for my Wife and I. Also I have family who live there so it would be nice to see them.

Let me suggest Alberta to the Johnsons.  They now know they have a tour guide if needed.

If you have read any of the chats here on the ABOotlander Blog, you know our Signature question.   Wil was not left out.

“If you were to visit us ABOotlanders in Alberta, Canada and someone offered you the following:

  • Moose droppings

  • Beaver tails

  • Prairie oysters

  • Taber corn

Which would you choose…and why?”

WIL:   I don’t know any of them but I would say Moose Droppings!!!! Sounds the most interesting…..Loooooool!!!!!!!!!

Interesting is right Wil.  Moose Droppings are delicious!


They look like the real thing(ish) but don’t taste like them. I think…    I have never eaten the real thing.  Really.

The exciting Wil Johnson/ Joe Abernathy news is we’ll get to see  more of Dr. Joe Abernathy is Episode 5 “Freedom & Whisky”  HERE is a sneak peek of Joe…showing you exactly why I think Joe is kick ass.

SherryLynn aka Sher (ABOotlander Founder)

Share your thoughts on Wil’s portrayal in our comments.

Follow us on Twitter & tell your friends how much fun we are.

Let’s talk about sex baby. “Surrender” was all about letting go!

I am sure if you have watched episode 2 of season 3 for Outlander you are quite aware there seemed to be as much sex in it as there was in season 2.  That should have topped ya all up.
Do you think I am sexy baby? No? 

I get it…season 2 was NOT sexy.  Stillbirths, starvation, war….not foreplay in the making.  Season 3 however…the lovin’ was stong in “Surrender”

All the sex wasn’t shown, all the sex wasn’t with someone else or even completed but we are going to talk about it anyway. Why? Why focus on the sex? Because it was more than that…just like in real life.  The way two people communicate often involves their bodies. Whether it be with love, need, desire, anger or pure hatred.  Sex can be an expression of any of those.

The first sex scene we were treated to was with Claire. Taking things into her own hands so to speak.  We know Claire is sexually advanced to societies expectation – which makes perfect sense considering she was a woman who always pushed the boundaries in each time she existed in.  At this moment, fantasizing about the man she loves and pleasing herself seemed as natural as breathing.  Frank, asleep and oblivious was not as important to me. Part of me thought any hot blooded man, who hasn’t gotten some in a while, would recognize that heavy breath and pay very close attention.  In my mind, Frank did in fact wake…he just was super polite and just let her finish up.

Fooled ya…

The second winka winka scene, brings us back to the Claire/Frank marriage bed.  This time, Claire looking a million miles away but still managing to reach out and poke him in the face to wake him up.  Ok…she brushed her fingers across his cheek.  He asks her “What is it.” She responds “I miss my husband.”  Which, let’s be honest here, she isn’t lying.  She really misses her husband.  The red-headed one, the one she dreams about. Frank will just ignore that for now. Cuz a man woken in the middle of the night with an invitation to the pleasure highway generally will pay the assigned toll.

Most of the time anyway

Claire sure wanted to scratch a lot of itches getting back to being who she used to be.  The third sex scene was anticlimactic.  Literally.

Claire does a little dance for Frank, removing her knickers (you couldn’t call those billowy things panties even if you wanted to), again, feeling the need to get out of what you know she feels mundane.  If she has to walk in these slippers, she wants them to have some heels. So she seduces Frank.  Who is totally into it, until he tries to connect with her emotionally.  The eyes are the windows to the soul and Claire has hers firmly SHUT.  He pleads with her to open her eyes and she basically ignores him, because she isn’t with him.

How ’bout this Frank? Do you think I’m sexxxxxy???

She has a desire to escape and he is not heeding it by reminding her. Reality is, it is Frank she is having sex with not making love to Jamie. He stops. He has had enough.  It is one thing to have sex half asleep and ignore it but he is full on awake and totally gets it.

We notice when Claire gets SUPER angry when confronted with the truth.   She either throws ashtrays or she buggers off and seethes.  It is vastly different from the Claire who is motivated by her anger.  When she knows she is right, she turns that anger into action…when she is called on her shit she lashes out and shuts down.


Our fourth sex scene happens between a very broken man and a woman who simply wishes to be a balm in his life.

I heard a lot of people upset that we had to see Claire have sex with Frank but they didn’t make us see it with Jamie and Mary.  Here is my take.  You have already seen Frank and Claire have the sexy time in episode one, season one.  This isn’t a completely foreign concept.  Jamie with anyone but Claire…that is going to take a bit more getting used to.

Plus, I think after being in a cave for 6 yrs…he erupted after about 2 seconds…maybe….just maybe…he was a bit quick on the uptake and you DID see it all. In my lowly opinion, watching Mary and Jamie have sex probably wouldn’t be so sexy.  I mean, they were both super skinny due to poor living conditions.  It might have been super distracting having two people that sounded like someone playing Yahtzee as opposed to having sex. Bones banging against one another – not so erotic eh?

Nope…not even a little in the sexy department

This episode is the sex-circle of life.  Frank is Claire’s Jamie…Mary is Jamie’s Claire…round and round we go.

Maybe we aren’t as connected in the sex circle…but you get my meaning.

Orgasm is an escape.  A surrender, so to speak.  It is a healthy way to treat the bodies wounds as it serves to be a bridge to the soul.

So have an orgasm today! Alone or with someone.  It is all good for you.

Join us while we watch Outlander on Sundays via W Network! There is live tweet action and aftershow chat happening on the twitter., using the hashtag #OutlanderCAN


ABOotlander Founder



Jamie n Frank- The Lamps are Different but the light is the same-ish.

Jamie and Frank.

Both married Claire. Is that where their similarities end?



Some may say “Yes,  a historian and a warrior don’t have ANYTHING in common.”

Oh…but not I. They have a few traits that make them similar. I think it would be strange if they didn’t- considering Claire did love them both…once.

  1. They know their wife..wives… “place”.  Meaning Claire won’t be put in a place, much less stay there. Jamie gave Bonnie Prince Floofypants that “Uh-huh sure…YOU tell her” face when he implied his wife would listen to her husband…cuz that is what they do. Frank in S3Ep1 stood behind Claire…knowing… in this moment she might just tell the Dean at Harvard to kiss her combat boots before she lost one up his arse.  Knowing what your wife is made up of…is a trait some men lack however, Frank n Jamie…they know.

    and like it…

  2. Cat like reflexes are needed.  Claire likes to throw things and unless you are quick about it, you will get a candlestick or an ashtray up side the head.  Both of these men are gifted with agility. Good thing too. We like their faces and Claires aim can be deadly accurate.

    So does Claire …

  3. Modern men in their not so modern worlds.  Jamie, in the 18th century learned a few lessons from Claire…it is one thing to love your partner…it is another to release the things you were brought up to believe.  When those ideas created unhappiness (and rage) in Jamies partner…he looked deeper and chose to change how he viewed the world. Thats some progressive stuff for a man in centuries passed.  Franks upbringing likely didn’t gravitate too far from the basic ideas Jamie had, however, being in the war and knowing his wife was there too, likely brought the scope of her ability to be independant into focus.  He may not have always liked it…but back to #1 – he accepted it.

  4. Honour with a side of honour and a pinch more of the honour.  Jamie and Frank pretty much gathered all the honour in all the centuries.  Frank, I mean really.  This guy stayed with a woman who flew through the past, married and loved ( had a lot of the love) another man.  A man there is no competing with, a ghost AND he raised his child for him.  He was in it for the long haul.  Jamie, his honour is from an age where a mans honour was more valued that what was in his sporran.  So, They have that.

  5. Double, double toil and trouble.  These guys are pretty chill on the most part.  It takes a bit for them to blow their gaskets…but when they do, take cover.   Not the road ragey kind of tip offs…these are the slow burn to the explosion.  More like a long fused dynamite than a firecracker.  Which is preferred – as Claire can actually attempt to put it out before it is too late.

Bonus similiarity- Mmmmmmmmmm BacON!   Frank enjoys himself some bacon.  He said so – I figure, Jamie’s all about the meat – so yeah…he’d be a bacon lover.  And for alls who say “What about Canadian Bacon?”  Ham…thats ham…only people NOT from Canada call it Canadian bacon. *blink blink*

For reals, can you picture Jamie as a vegetarian?


Eat yer GREENS Aye?!?!

Since us ABOotlanders have chosen not to live tweet with each episode or do recaps, we are going to do an #OutlanderCAN twitter aftershow.   We would love for you to join us.  There will be some observations and discussions about the episode of the week.  The more activity, the longer we will engage.

Let’s take this voyage together and make this season the best yet. Fandomstyle *snort*

Fandomstyle…gangnamstyle…samsies right?


Until next time,                                                                                       Sher

ABOotlander Founder


The Other Outlander “F” word. FRANK.

Yup. In the history of Outlander there has always been discussions about Frank. If we think this is a new topic of conversation because of the way the TV show has presented him.  We are wrong. This is just one discussion that is 6 yrs old . It took place on Karen Henry’s blog, Outlandish Observations, which was started in 2008. See…WAY before the show became a “thing”.

I assure you, these discussions/arguments have been happening since the first book came out. My guess, somewhere in the world on June 2, 1991 the first debate about Frank and his place in Claire’s story took place. Why? Because there is a distinct character there, with a distinct personality. The interesting part is which side people fall on.

Frank is the man who was left behind by Claire’s unintended trip into the past. It’s funny, not “haha” funny but “Hmmmmm, how about that?” funny – that if you love him, you defend him like no one’s business – or you despise him and everything he stands for…oh wait…everything we believe he stands for.

Frankly (heehee), he is one of the most complex characters in the Outlander series. Why in the world would I say that? It’s true. That’s why. In 8 books, we keep getting snippits of his story. We THINK we know it all but that’s not true. Diana still has not fully revealed what unquestionably happened in the 20 yrs Claire spent with Frank.  I don’t think that is because she doesn’t care or it’s not important. I believe it is because there is so much to tell, so much that is laying underneath…Frank is simply one of those Tetris pieces that hasn’t fallen completely into place.  We don’t have to like him to know his importance in the story. Perhaps that is where some of us stumble. “WE” don’t like him so he doesn’t belong.  Seems kinda like my high school years allllll over again. OMG…I’m FRANK!

I hope we can see how short sighted that mindset is in the grand scheme of Diana’s tomes. Everyone, whether we like their character or not, has their place in the story she has written. We might think Mr. Willoughby served no purpose but the truth is, he did. In Diana’s story…and lets be frank (snort), it is HER story.  We digest it the way our brain see’s fit, not necessarily as it was written.  Its like broccoli, some people devour it and love everything about it and some get indigestion and end up super gassy.


The “F” word has been popping up again because of this picture in this article.

Outlander Season 3

Lots of people took it as a personal nose rubbing because Frank isn’t that big of a deal to them, they don’t personally care for him or they believe he needs to hurry up and die already. Lots of people LOVED the photo, saw it showed what life would be like for Claire & Frank in the future, validated their feelings that Frank’s a good guy. An important good guy.

Neither of these view points are wrong.  Why?  Because people are people and they feel how they feel.  The trouble is when we get to the point where we believe only our view has merit.  Only our view is “right” and our need to express it in ways that are pointless to the grand scheme of things.  Examples of pointless expressions might be : anger, telling people how to do their job, spitefulness or passive aggressiveness. One of my favourite sayings is…You can say what you mean – without being mean.  We can also do that without trying to make others adhere to our beliefs.

Outlander (the show) has a story to tell. The writers, producers and directors want to make the best show possible in their eyes. That is where the crux of it all is. Their eyes.  What is the thing about eyes folks?  They are all unique.  They all see things differently.  Those who want to bask in the things they see…will.  Those who want to contradict the same visions, won’t stop because someone says “You are wrong.”  If it were the “fans” that created the show it would say in the credits SHOWRUNNER – Fans, but it doesn’t. It says Ronald D. Moore.   Whether you believe that’s good or bad, it’s his to run the show.

I have no issues at all with those who use critical thinking to express their thoughts.  I have no issues with rose coloured glasses and those who choose to love everything.  My view is simply to be kind to one another while expressing your differences and maybe, just maybe allow each person their view.

Frank isn’t the bad guy. He isn’t the hero. He’s an intricate part of a story about a woman who is torn between times. The story, whether we believe it needs to be told or not, is the story.  Perhaps sitting back and experiencing the ride is the solution.  Like a roller coaster, some are going to love it…some are gonna wanna puke when it’s over. Either way…it is the experience that creates the outcome.


Hold on everyone, buckle your seat belts. If I know anything about this fandom, and I think I do…it’s gonna be a helluva ride!



Side note- I don’t think anyone can deny…Tobias Menzies…is super awesome, pretty good looking and well – brought Frank to life. Whether you like that particular life or not – is up to you.


Founder of the ABOotlanders


Jane of the Outlander Jungle! #ABOotlanderLOVE

Here we go again, bringing you some of our favourite Outlander fans who bring joy, entertainment and a kind place to rest our weary heads upon.


If you haven’t checked out our previous ABOotlanderLOVE spotlights, please do.  We talked with Beth Wesson, the heart felt blogger. Connie V , the hilarious creator of one of the most popular Recap Blogs. Our last ABOotlanderLOVE blog was dedicated to the one & only Outlander Anatomy creator Dr. Karmen.  

We encourage you to leave comments & let us know who you feel has worked to bring the Fandom together in a happy light.  I would like to add, this isn’t a popularity contest, the admin team I work with and I simply feel what we feel. Since we are the purveyors of #AlwaysAssumePositiveIntent we gravitate to those people we have connected to within the fandom.


This time we are Spotlighting – Lady Jane AKA Jane Sherwood. She is the lead admin for The Rank and File. If you are not a member of the Richard Rankin Fan Group , you are missing out on some fantastic banter, close friendships & seriously smart women.


Lady Jane’s humour & authentic nature comes out in droves as she drives the ship that is this fan group.  It is worth noting that this fan group formed BEFORE Richard Rankin was cast as our beloved Roger Mac.  I am almost certain the collective universal force that is this fan group was instrumental in RR loading up as Rog.  When you have that many people throwing good vibes your way, you are bound to get caught up in it.


Please get to know & love Lady Jane as I do.  


We all start somewhere on this Outlander journey.  When did you first become interested in the world of Outlander?

About 18 years ago, I started reading, and rereading, the books. I’m afraid I actually don’t remember how I found them! (I blame a baby that didn’t sleep in the meantime and Mommy Brain.)


However I do remember precisely when I heard about the show. It was when Sam was cast, and I was at a family dinner. My sister, SIL, and I – all major book fans – squeed over his picture. Even though his hair was dark and short, we could see that he would be the perfect Jamie. And of course all the guys present rolled their eyes. The next day, I joined Outlander Facebook groups and the rest is history.

*Baby Brain…yes, the good ole days!  My son was 1.5 when I found the books, lets just say thats when he learned to entertain himself.*

What inspired you to start your fangroup?

I met the co-founder of The Rank and File in the Heughligans FB group in early 2014. She posted this video of Richard doing Shakespeare and it truly made me a fan for life! The Crimson Field aired shortly afterwards in the UK. I opened a Richard Rankin Fans Twitter account – which promptly got so much attention and swooning over the captivating Capt. Gillan, that we decided it would be best to also open a private FB group for moral support.

The name was a difficulty for a long time… after all how many positive things go with “Rank”?! We finally settled on The Rank and File for its military connotation, and the fact that we wanted to be RR’s army.  And so we are the VADs (Very Adorable Darlings) of RAF. It is pronounced “vads” like a word, and is from a joke, actually based on history, in The Crimson Field where the Voluntary Aid Detachment is referred to as such. Even today, not one single day goes by when someone somewhere doesn’t post how sad they are that it wasn’t renewed, but at least we got our Roger Mac.


Jane has done a great job of forming a community in their fangroup.  Not an easy task. Curiosity bade me to ask HOW.

I have a professional background in web and graphic design, and video editing, so it naturally became a fun hobby for me to share professional quality media. However, what really built our group was its wonderful and intelligent members (the #BrainyFangirls!) and the great admin team I have:  Amanda, Michelle, and Stephanie. We all support each other 100%, with no competition between us, and are committed to running a kind and respectful group.

During the past over two years since the RAF began, I’ve learned a lot about myself, and people in general. We constantly get comments from our members that The RAF is a unique place to share opinions freely in a supportive environment, so that is what I think what truly makes us stand out.  We’ve all worked really hard at building that, and it has not been easy sometimes. None of us knew how to run a good fan group when we started, and sometimes how to best handle conflict. We were lucky we started very slow to be ready when the huge influx happened when he was cast as Roger!

We are somewhat different than other main OL fan groups as Richard already had a large and varied career before he was cast, which has since continued. He will be appearing in S2 of The Last Kingdom and a mini series called The Replacement for the BBC fairly soon. While OL may be our main topic lately, I don’t think the spirit of the group changed very much even though our membership numbers exploded.

I do want to give a special shout out to the admins of the Heughligans, Caitrionation, Tobias’s Tribe, and many, many other admins of Outlander fan groups that helped us when Richard wasn’t even part of the show! We are so proud to be in this incredible union of positive fans.


What was your most memorable fan encounter?

The Season 2 Premiere in New York City, and subsequent Tartan Parade that followed. Meeting the cast is exciting, but really what stands out is all the fans from all over the world that I was finally able to see in person. It’s such an amazing network of people you instantly feel at home with!


Brunch with members of the Rank & File. Lady Jane is 2nd from the Left.

Your fangroup is well organized, enjoyable and incredibly positive. The banter you have with Richard Rankin is cheeky & fun. It takes time to develop… how is it that you have done so well?

Thank you so much for saying that! I’m not sure how to answer this – by being myself I guess. Richard is so cheeky and fun himself. One day, he will be boasting and warning us about the #OneScotRule (to admire only him), and the next day, he will be self deprecating. Rarely is RR not teasing on Twitter. Sometimes people have a hard time figuring out when he is serious – and I admit there was at least once when even I wasn’t sure. He’s so good to his fans and it inspires us, his army!

I would say that the RAF is equal parts serious and cheeky. We are super professional in promoting his career and all the shows he is involved in, but we also aren’t letting him get away with anything. Our followers seem to enjoy the mix. The RAF sees him as a real person – someone to admire, but also someone to treat with respect. I’m really proud of our group for that. Our primary goal is always to be a positive force, for him, and for the fans. I get the most pleasure out of this when someone tells me I brightened their day, or made them feel welcomed.

Please share a few of your favourite exchanges with Richard – I know mine.

Gosh, there are so many. Like when he would drop Outlander references during that long dark time before his casting on December 14, 2015. We were all on edge, praying he would be named as Roger, and then he would run away while everyone had a meltdown at the slightest mention. Or tweet that he’s naked in the gym, and disappear. I don’t think I’m biased when I say he’s one of the most entertaining actors to follow on Twitter.


Many VADs will say that April Fool’s Day 2016 was one of the best days ever. I changed the profile pic of the RAF Twitter account to Loki. Less than an hour later, I was hilariously called out by RR. A day of teasing ensued.

And when he complained about our Instagram, which has many more followers than he does (there are still only four photos on his).

Another one of my all time favorite Twitter threads was debating whether Bree was technically engaged to LJG. It went on for two days. Richard really likes to be right. Usually he is, and will defend it TO THE DEATH. Here’s a link to the Storify:

Explain what your reaction was to seeing “Roger” appear on screen for the first time was like.

I was completely overwhelmed. Having watched The Crimson Field in 2014, it was a really long wait! We all knew then that Richard was the perfect Roger Mac.


He’s such an emotionally powerful actor.  The role of Roger is extremely complex, and RR was born to play it, like all the other cast members who are so perfectly cast! It was meant to be. So basically, I cried along with him during that opening scene of 213…


We all have our own visions of what Outlander of the future will look like – What do YOU see?

A ten season series with every single book represented. And multiple awards for all cast and crew, including Richard, who is going to slay season 4 … and 5! He and Sophie will be the second leads starting then, and their love story will be at the heart of the show as much as Jamie and Claire’s. Outlander will catapult Richard’s career to the next level, and give him the ability to make his dreams come true. It means that we will be guaranteed to get lots and lots of Rankin screen time to many years to come. The future is very bright indeed.

My husband has said Diana must have a man named “Roger” locked in her basement *smile*.  With all that is to come for his character – how will you prepare for his story line? 

Haha, that’s a great description. Yes, we use the tag #PoorRoger on Twitter. He’s such a lovely character and means well, but he’s just beaten down by life time and time again. Richard said in a recent interview that Roger has an inner strength, so that is what I think he will bring to the role. I’m just so excited to see it all, and have so much faith in Richard’s abilities. I’m thrilled that he will have a chance to stretch his skills and create some epic and emotional scenes that will really touch the viewers. It’s why we are his fans – his characters have such depth and are so full of feeling. It’s the role of a lifetime, and I couldn’t be happier for him.
The fandom’s acceptance of Richard has been incredible, unprecedented really. The huge celebration when he was cast was wrought from months, and years for some, of his fans rooting for him. We are just so grateful to join the Outlander family – so beat him, hang him, do what you will – we will pay the price gladly!  -Stocks up on tissues and whisky-.


This is an ABOotlander must ask –  If you were to come to Alberta Canada and someone offered you a) Moose Droppings b) Beaver Tails c) Prairie Oysters d) Taber Corn…which would you choose & why?

I’m truly afraid to answer this question! And I hope I get points for not googling the 3 out 4 that I don’t know – I’ll pick the Taber Corn because it sounds the least problematic and reminds me of Graham McTavish’s corn jokes.

mind yer

If you want to join in The Rank and File fun, here is a list of all the ways to do it!

Thank you so much Lady Jane for being so open & sharing with the fandom.



Founder of the ABOotlanders

*Stay tuned for the next #ABOotlanderLOVE feature…we dive into a new realm!



The Doctor is IN! Outlander Anatomy gets the LOVE.

We have featured Beth & Connie – we are at it again.

Next up in our #ABOotlanderLOVE spotlight —  You know her…you love her…you feel smarter after you read one of her blog posts, so you make sure to read more of them.  She is as warm as she is intelligent.  That is why we keep going back to OUTLANDER ANATOMY.

It was no surprise when I asked my fellow admins in the ABOotlander group who they wanted to see featured, her name was brought up loud and clear.  Again, when I tweeted to our followers who they thought was a positive influence in the fandom…dozens responded with OutlanderAnatomy.  I am going to call her Dr.Karmen for the remainder of the blog as to protect her brand and to keep my carpel tunnel from kicking in.


I was so pleased that she accepted our invite to step into the spot light & share with us some behind the blog aspects of what makes her tick.

My introduction to the world of Outlander came via my daughter. She had read all the big books (in less than a summer) and invited me to join the party. I kept saying no, I didn’t have the time and, anyway, I wasn’t interested in time-travel novels. She kept at it for a year… “Mom, you must read these books!” Finally, in early 2014, I yielded. By the time I arrived at Jamie’s dislocated shoulder, I was in – hook, line, and sinker! Since then, I have read the eight big books, at 8-10 times each.  –  And the lesson is, it sure pays off to nag. Well done Rebecca- We salute you!


Dr.Karmen’s blog is incredibly interesting and so unique – I wanted to know what inspired her to start it.

I began my blog in October 2014, after watching early episodes of Outlander S.1. About that time, my daughter said, “Mom, have you considered writing an anatomy blog that incorporates Outlander?” No, I hadn’t thought of that. So, my daughter is to blame for getting me reading and writing the language of Outlander.  –  This daughter, is a keeper. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude. CHEERS Rebecca!

Fan to fan, we wonder if Dr.Karmen had experienced one of those momentous occasions that makes your heart pound just a little extra- sure enough – she had.

My most memorable fan encounter was meeting Diana Gabaldon in October of 2014, at Fort Vancouver, WA. I was first in line for her autograph, handed her my book, and waited while she searched a bag. I asked her if she needed a pen and offered her mine.  She pulled out a rolled container, opened it, and presented an array of every type of pen needed for autographing different surfaces. Of course, I laughed at myself, Herself would come prepared!


I find all Outlander Anatomy lessons fascinating.  They teach me things I had no bloody clue about, they give me insight & extra tidbits of info but I don’t feel stupid while I read them. Pretty incredible.  I wondered if Dr. Karmen had any personal favourites in her collection? (I double dog dare ya to guess mine, you cheeky buggers)

Thank you for the lovely compliment about my blog. Oh, dear, this is a hard one because I learn from every lesson. Perhaps my favorite is always the last lesson I write, not only because I must thoroughly review the anatomy but because I strive to present the topic in a way that is accessible to all. Although some of my readers have biology backgrounds, many do not, and I feel compelled to direct my lessons to folks who lack anatomic experience. My latest, is the first of a series about the gastrointestinal system: Anatomy Lesson #44, “Terrific Tunnel – GI System, Part 1.”

My first lesson, Anatomy Lesson #1, “Jamie’s Tush or Bottoms up!”, was posted just after the airing of Starz episode 107, The Wedding. To be perfectly honest, it was Jamie’s beautiful bottom that caused me to consider just how I might teach the anatomical “underpinnings” of such a splendid body part. He is a perfect male anatomical model and I hear he works quite diligently for those bonny buttocks!

I was also intrigued about writing a blog. Up to this point, I had been writing grants and medical and technical papers. As you can see from this first lesson to the most recent, it’s taken time to develop a voice, a format for my lessons, and understand this new medium. I also want to be respectful of the actor’s private lives so I only refer to their character’s names as they graciously provide anatomical examples. I wrote about this POV last year: Education & Privacy.

Diana’s books and the Outlander series are filled with anatomical goodies that demand attention. I also love the pathology (abnormal anatomy) which is abundantly sprinkled throughout the books and episodes: a veritable gold mine for an anatomist!


Some people may lose their joy after working in a particular field over time.  Reading Dr. Karmen’s blog shows me, this has not happened to her. I was curious how she keeps her love of anatomy thriving. You know, besides Jamie’s cute tushie.

My passion for anatomy stays alive because I harbor a profound awe and respect for the human body, a sublime blend of form and function, which we often take for granted as it ferries us through a rather precarious world. It matters not how much I learn about the human body, there is always more, and the more is endlessly fascinating. Why wouldn’t it be? It is our vehicle, our home, our sanctuary….erm…as you see, I can easily wax poetic about the human body!


We all have our own vision for what we believe Outlander will look like in the years to come. Dr. Karmen sees things a bit more intimately than others do, haven’t you noticed? I was anxious to hear what her brain thinks the world of Outlander will be like in the years to come.

The future of Outlander world… First, I hope all of Diana’s big books and the Lord John series are filmed. Then, I envision the largest global community of devoted fans, constantly networking to appreciate, support, create, praise, enjoy, and celebrate this amazing, shared adventure. Hurrah for Diana Gabaldon who, one day, decided to write a book for herself. Praises to her CompuServe pals who encouraged her to publish it. Kudos to her family who support her fathomless talents. Thanks to Ron D. Moore, Terry Dresbach, Maril Davis and to all the actors, writers, directors, staff, designers, composers, musicians, builders, trainers, linguists, herbalists, doctors, sempstresses, and detailers. Without them devoted fans would wander lost in a vast desert-scape, otherwise known as, Droughtlander!

I wanted to give all of you a chance to peek into the Outlander Anatomy waiting room.  Sit back a moment & spend some time peeking behind the curtain that is Dr. Karmens life.


Well, I am now professor emerita (retired female professor) of human anatomy at my medical university. When I was actively teaching, my “waiting room” (dissection lab) was filled with medical students, graduate students, allied health students, surgical residents, surgeons, and donor bodies. I was director of the gross anatomy course for many years, ran the body donation program for my institution, and was demonstrator of anatomy for my state in the US. Over the course of my career, and before birth of the internet, I taught almost 10,000 medical students gross anatomy, histology, embryology, neuroanatomy, and cell biology. And now, that the internet (and Outlander) has such a long reach around the world, I am able to teach many more readers about the amazing human body.

I always am curious what others find most fascinating about Gabaldon‘s world of Outlander. It is one of the topics of conversation I can’t get enough of.

Wow, this is a hard one because I find Diana’s creations endlessly fascinating. If I had to choose one thing it would be her remarkable ability to divine a story from a single line, sometimes books apart. Here’s an example: in Outlander book, Jamie and Claire are eating dinner at Castle Leoch; the table convo centers on Sandringham and his personal preference for young lads. In a line or two, Rupert comments that Jamie should guard his wife because unlike the Duke, his man servant actively pursues women! This really didn’t grab my attention until my last read-through. Then, Bingo! In the next book, Dragonfly in Amber, the Duke’s valet reappears as a member of the foul gang that rapes Mary Hawkins! This type of thing happens many times throughout her books. How does Herself recall such wee things and then revisit them hundreds of thousands of words later?! I actually learned the answer this past week while attending SiWC2016 in Surrey, B.C. Diana said (and I’m paraphrasing), that she writes all sort of things that might be classified as debris, but which provide kernels for later works.  – It’s what I call Gabaldon word Tetris 


In this photo, taken at 2016 SiWC, she honored me by donning a necklace I made for her: Mr. Willoughby, complete with acupuncture needles inside his hollow body!


Diana Gabaldon with Dr. Karmen & DG wearing the super cool Mr. Willoughby necklace

This an ABOotlander must ask. We ask for shiggles – If you were to come to Alberta Canada and someone offered you a) Moose Droppings b) Beaver Tails c) Prairie Oysters d) Taber Corn…which would you choose & why?

My first choice would be Taber corn.  I have never tasted this variety but it sounds delish and I love corn and corn-grinding! <G> Second choice would be beaver tails, that is, if you mean the fried pastries –  they look yummy!  But, if I am wrong and you mean the rear appendage from a large, big-toothed rodent, then I will pass. I will also pass on the prairie oysters as I am not fond of raw eggs. Finally, I refuse to dine on moose poop because I am a picky eater (although, I suspect these are chocolate covered candies). Great question!  – I must say I am impressed, though not surprised at Dr.Karmen’s thorough answers. What an absolute delight she has been!


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ABOotlander Founder & Friend of the Fandom