Canada Dry…not the pop- the time between Outlander Episodes 8 & 9. ORIGINAL

Here we sit. Waiting. This is what happens when you get addicted – Cracklander. You binge out and then there is a dry spell in town, problem is, we can’t hop in the car and go to the big city to score a hit or call Creepy Uncle Jack that Mom doesn’t ever want us to talk to…we have to wait it out.

So, we wait.  It’s a reallllll good thing that I have a shit load of friends waiting with me, tappin their own veins until episode 9 airs.  Our American friends at least “know” their kill switch date.  Up here, in the great white…well…we can only hope that Showcase gets it right this time. HINT HINT!  Nope. I am NOT known for subtly.

Can you hear me NOW?!

                                               Can you hear me NOW?!

As much as we like leftovers, we prefer not to have them – every – single – meal. Knowhatimsayin?

So? What shall we do while we wait?  I have some suggestions for you.

Not all of them are practical and not all of them will particularly help ease the pain.

We tend to either state the obvious, be incredibly sarcastic know...pull shit like this.

We tend to either state the obvious, be incredibly sarcastic or…you know…pull shit like this.

When have you known me to be practical or helpful? I’m here to entertain… or create a reasonable facsimile of humour in some form. I think you may be getting used to that concept by now eh?

We have to FIRST stop complaining that there is a break. There’s a break. Will complaining stop the break? Nooooooo…the break does not stop with the complaining. Yes, I am saying this to myself just as much as I am saying it to everybody else.

Even Jack can't take it any more

Even Jack can’t take it any more

The next step is to DO something about it.  We have to pass the time somehow. So LET’S get creative! Sure, some of us can knit (not me), some can make WONDERFUL fan videos, (not me), some can paint or draw, (not me) so the Not Me’s of the world…must do other things…here are some suggestions.

Take them in the spirit they are intended.

To Excite and Entice. No?

To Excite and Entice. No?

  • Find another addiction.   It’s what addicts do.  When the crack runs dry…the meth’ll do. So tune into The Walking Dead, catch up on a show you never watched like Breaking Bad, if there is still one or two of you out there that hasn’t seen it…or REALLY treat yourself and watch Republic of Doyle. I am not shitting you. That is some good TV right there!
    See how good that TV is?

    See how good that TV is? He has what we ladies call STUPIDMAKERS…those muscles that trail on down to his happy place…No idea what they are called…but ummmmm….DUH *drool* DUHsummore

    Or check something else out that captures your interest and makes you want to watch it again and again. Something that makes you want to research the characters, watch previous seasons, and get the books. Whatever you need to do to fill the gaps of time. You know, about 6 months worth.

  • Read ALL the Gabaldon books. In my case…Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re(oh FFS you get the picture x 12) the books, throw in the novellas, the Lord John series, listen to the audio books by Davina Porter. That ought to keep you busy and out of touch with reality a good long while. We know Diana’s books are kinda on the large side…which is great…because when someone interrupts you while reading, you can throw it at their whole face. Not half, not just their nose or chin…their WHOLE face.                     Click right here if you want to know the chronological order of all the tomes. *PHEW-Big words n meanings…need a drink!*
  • Scour the interwebs for juicy gossip  interesting information about the show, cast & crew. This does not make you a stalker. It makes you curious. Curiosity is a good thing.  Remember when they said that when you were little? Yeah, just pretend that.

    There’s no problem here…carry on

  • Considering we are going to be waiting in Canada from the months Oct- probably around April/May. Shovel your snow, clean off your car, scrape the ice off your windows and watch some hockey games. AKA Be a Productive Human That ought to keep you plenty friggen busy eh?  Me…I do not choose to do those things. You will continue to see me right here. Typing out blogs for your viewing pleasure or roll your eyedom.
  • Last but not least…Get a life. BAHAHAHA! Who’m I kiddin right? WHO exactly spent a couple hours today writing this VERY blog? Yeah…this girl…  - You know you want this balloon. You Know you NEED this balloon

    That was mean. I shouldn’t have

    I just wanted to see your face when I said it. Too bad I can’t…I do have have a great imagination though. Thanks to Mr. Dress-Up, Casey & Finnagin all those years ago.  What I wouldn’t do for a Tickle Trunk today. Well I have the grown up version but a kids version would help pass the time too….never mind…the grown up version is just fine.

    Yep...mine's just a lil bigger.

    Yep…mine’s just a lil bigger.

    Needless to say, the Droughtlander will be over before we know it because well…the best way to get through ANY tough situation is to Get Claire Drunk and stay Claire drunk. Let’s face it. Us Canadians have livers of steel. If there is something we do, and do well. It’s drink. Wine, beer, rum, whisky, vodka, liqueurs…we are equal opportunity. Besides, it helps keep us warm over those cold winter months. We are not a stupid people.

    No I do not endorse alcoholism...but drunkenness is a whole other sandbox.

    No I do not endorse alcoholism…but drunkeness is a whole other sandbox

Stay warm Canada…and to our Outlander friends…we don’t like to drink alone so let’s get this party started. *HIC*

SL – Heughliot @ Large

Our original Blog date on this was in October…How Time Flies when you are being tortured…

42 thoughts on “Canada Dry…not the pop- the time between Outlander Episodes 8 & 9. ORIGINAL

  1. I’m the only one awake in my house on a Sunday morning, and I innocently clicked on the link to your blog, so generously provided by the one and only Diana Gabaldon on her FB page. Cue ahead 30 minutes after bingeing on the entire season of blog entries, laughing into a pillow (to not wake the sleeping family), and nearly spit taking my coffee out several times! Seriously, I canna breathe! I bow down before your awesomeness! So, so sorry that you have commercials in your Outlander. I would totally throw a shoe at the TV if my episodes were interrupted. Thanks for putting this out there!

    Liked by 2 people

    • LOL…I am glad you thoroughly enjoyed our humour. I hope your breathing has returned to normal. We were incredibly honoured Diana shared the blog. In fact…I think I pee’d a little – and girl…I have a strong pelvic floor for an old girl!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Just this Heughliots one 🙂 If you check it out, we have blogged all the episodes and a few extras as well 😀


  2. Amazing Rant! Couldn’t have said it any better! Cheers! At least I will get more quilts made. Leaving the shows PVR’d so I can watch them again if I need a fix😄

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your blog and we (US & Canada) are in this agonizing wait together! We feel your pain but thrilled we can all be a part of our fantasy come life, Outlander!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ok, just a suggestion: Dolce Gourmet Cupcakes. Been drowning my sorrows in mountains of those, maybe I’ll catch something that likes a “hen with a bit o’ meat on them”…

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol…great term 🙂 They are a great couple and SUPER fun! If I am “Sassenach wasted” I would not be able to say “Sassenach wasted” without spitting all over who I am with…Claire Drunk…a little easier on the phonetics 😉


  5. Loved the post. Cracking up big time….made my hubs get up and see what all the chuckling was about….oh no, not Outlander again says he…..yes, of course, Outlander!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Me? I am in book 5 (almost finished) of re-reading The Sword of Truth, and then I will re-read The Wheel of Time books. Television should be ashamed of what they did to The Sword of Truth. I would love for Starz to do The Sword of Truth properly, and then The Wheel of Time. OMG it would be soooooo addictive! — as addictive as Outlander; but if they spaced them just right we would always be in a series on the TV. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. At least you’ve actually seen the TV show. Imagine what the wait is like here in the UK? At least we’ve got really funny stuff like yours to keep us entertained.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My heart ACHES for you Hilary! Not my evil…my heart. I can assure you that we all know #UKNeedsOutlander and will ride that train like a bunch of hobos until you get it!


  8. This made me laugh so much I actually farted on myself…so..thanks for that. (could have been the taco bell but I’m blaming you anyway) Great post, I really need those Asshole balloons!


    • THANK you for this info! I will embed it asap. Someone sent me the jpeg as an apology once and I held onto it.


    • That is pretty friggen cool! I really am grateful, honestly I am abashed to say that I thought she had just put it on the balloons with photoshop and didn’t bother to look.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello northern compatriots, now I have a reason to continue being a grumpy, grouchy Outlander heour (ho for sho). I miss the show , I’m on book 5 of 8, I’m on the methadone reading list that Herself made up, I’ve finished stalking Herself’s facebook, Terry dresbaughs facebook. Yes I’m having serious withdrawals. I found your Facebook and I’m feeling better, my family doesn’t understand me, but I’m glad there are others going through this.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Love the blogs fellow Canuck! My addition to the methadone TV list is to hunt up “Highlander:the Series” for a drool worthy Hieland man and some awesome stories.

    Liked by 1 person

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