Do the math…we GOT this thing. You are invited – #OutlanderCANCAN

There are 8 wks left. 8 wks. left. We have 8 episodes in the bank. Did you do the math? Huh? Eh? What? Wait!


math math numbers plus equals dinosaurs in purple

Frankly, that math was easy enough. We have it figured out, plus, if Showcase won’t play in the sandbox with us, we will just have to entertain ourselves.

You know, it isn’t like we haven’t done THAT since October. I mean, really.  Us Heughliots are quite a resourceful bunch are we not?

thanks brain

We don’t have to remind you about coming up with #Droughtlander? We will however remind you Diana Gabaldon posted it on her Facebook. Yes. We are still pretty tickled about that. Then we had our perfect little Scottish island we pretended to buy? I am pretty sure there are still people packing their bags for that one. I mean wanting to start a crowd-funding & kick-starter campaign? Seriously. Girlfriends were going a bit craaaaazy for cocoa puffs. Yup…I had to tell ladies that was a wee joke.  We have this “keeping ourselves entertained” shit under control.

Sunday nights are our jam in Canada.

Thats OUR JAM!

That’s OUR JAM!

Nothing like going to church in the morning and then praising all that is holy for those knees, thighs and then all that is Jamie Fraser in the evening. Nope nope nope!  Seems to suit our sensibilities it does. We have decided with 8 wks out- It’s warm up time.

We are countin’ ourselves back down to April 5th with some rewatching of the Outlander. Starting with Episode One. We will be doing that on Feb 8 at 8 PM MST. Mountain Standard Time for those I am speaking the gibberish to. And yes, I like adding the the word THE before words because I think it makes words sound fancy. It’s a thing I have. Like “THE google….and THE kilt….and THE fine round arse”  Yeah…like that.

This is the way Canada shall play.  #OutlanderCAN is our regular watching hashtag so since we are on repeat, replay, rejoice…we will

#OutlanderCANCAN for fun!  We would love our fellow Canadian friends to join us for a live tweet & any of our Outlander friends who just love watching this show. You know, those who simply want another reason to inject more of the #cracklander into their veins.  We will tweet, discuss, laugh & interact.  Hopefully enticing more viewers to this phenomenal show come April 5th. (Or yes, whatever dates it will his your screens)

THAT after all, is what it is all about. HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE, Showcase.

That wasn't so hard. Let's be friends.

That wasn’t so hard. Let’s be friends.

 See…I can be subtle…like a brick. To a face.

That’s all us Heughliots have been doing- trying to get new viewers, lotsa them.  We have been doing a damn good job.

We are a proud people

We are a proud people

We could make great partners Showcase! Why don’t you love us?  Even #OutlanderStarz follows our awesomeness. You know… we can accomplish more together.  There is no “i” in team and all that gobbiligoohoo. What do you say? Wanna sip? It’s super yummy!


For example, we have NO idea if Showcase is heading to The Calgary Expo to promote Outlander but we KNOW we ARE! We are dressing up, we have PROPS! Outlander PROPS even!  There are a lot of us and WE ALREADY WILL BE THERE TO SPREAD THE WORD!  We have been letting Showcase know via twitter and if their social media department was paying attention you’d think they’d hop on this ride. Free Advertising my friends. THE BEST KIND!

Goodness knows Sony & Starz has ridden this Social Media wave big time. We saw how they grabbed a hold of our #Droughtlander. Smart, smart folk that they are. Eventually, months later, Showcase joined them. Come on Showcase…We are here for you. Waiting.

We are a very patient people

We are a very patient people

As we have it, we are rallying the troops. First stop. THIS SUNDAY. 8 PM.  We will see our Canadian friends…and we know many of our other Outlander friends will be there too. ANY excuse to get together for a little #Cracklander group therapy – they are right there. We so love how you throw out the signal and they come running, tappin the vein, line ready!


The Original meaning of the #Cracklanders…as debuted in the summer of 2014

From all over the world, timers will be set. Hashtags for the ready to follow along. #OutlanderCANCAN can!



Tell us where YOU will be watching from, what your twitter handle is so we can be sure we are following along with you too. Remember the @Heughliots #1 rule of Interwebs happiness is #AAPI  and for the record, it makes real life a hell of a lot more solid too!

We do it for every tweet we read.

We do it for every tweet we read.

See you all on the flip side! Or Sunday. Which ever comes first

highfivecanuckle SL Heughliot @Large