Twits, get your Twitter Fingers READY!

Outlander is coming back to Canada on April the 10th.  Did you HEAR ME?



Season 2. Dragonfly in Amber…Outlander book 2…will be on your screens THE DAY AFTER it airs in the US.

Remember last year…the agony of the wait?


That’s all in the past.

We are on top of the world with this spring premiere!


Seriously….we are Canadian…

Our mission to have #OutlanderCAN in the mix has been accomplished! Showcase will be Live Tweeting along with us this year and we couldn’t be happier.  We know Outlander is a show that deserves attention and having Showcase play with us…is pretty thrilling…I must say.


Lets all #OutlanderCAN


Showcase is also having a BRILLIANT FanArt contest.


I know I won’t win with my memery (that’s a Sherism btw) but DAMN am I excited for all of the talented individuals that have the opportunity to go to NY for the premiere! All the details are RIGHT HERE.  You know I am still going to ply them with the insane memery that I giggle more at than you do…you know, just in case.


Man…I make myself snort


Insert English Accent “Oh yes, Abootlanders founder SherryLynn needs a little something something. Pish posh.”

Our very own ABOotlander Nikki is supremely talented and we are all pulling for her. She is UBER cool…like really cool not hiring a car…Check out her artwork AND make sure to hit up Showcases Instagram starting tomorrow and support your fellow Outlander Fans and their awesome talents.  I am sure I will see some links from Julia…her videos are either snort inducing, breath taking or…really hot.

If you are a Canadian artist and you have FanArt…share your links with us!   We want to support your awesomeness!



ABOotlander Founder and Pounder